Fantasy Grounds - Deadlands Reloaded: Knights With No Armor (Savage Worlds) Activation Code [Xforce]
About This Content Deadlands Reloaded: Knights With No ArmorKnights With No Armor by Matthew Cutter is a Savage Tale for Deadlands: The Weird West, designed for buckaroos who’ve traveled its twisted trails long enough to achieve at least Veteran Rank. The story nominally begins in southern Cochise County, Arizona Territory, but the Marshal can transplant it to any spot on the Mexican border without too much fuss. It’s a one-two punch of a story: What starts out as a simple rescue soon turns into a peek into the machinations of one of the Weird West’s most wicked and corrupt villains.Fantasy Grounds Conversion: Kevin DoswellRequires Savage Worlds core rules and the Deadlands Reloaded setting books to play.Knights With No Armor was originally published in the print edition of the Savage Worlds Explorer, available at our website or your favorite local game store.Released on July 07, 2017. Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.2.2 and higher.Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Full or Ultimate license and a one time purchase of the Savage Worlds ruleset. 7aa9394dea Title: Fantasy Grounds - Deadlands Reloaded: Knights with no Armor (Savage Worlds)Genre: Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:SmiteWorks USA, LLCRelease Date: 13 Jul, 2017 Fantasy Grounds - Deadlands Reloaded: Knights With No Armor (Savage Worlds) Activation Code [Xforce]