About This Game Now available on MacOS (note: dedicated graphics card is *highly recommended* for the best experience)“Stories Untold” is a narrative-driven experimental adventure game, that bends the genre into something completely unique. Combining a mix of classic text-adventure, point-and-click and more, 4 short stories are packaged together into a single mysterious anthology that has been described as “a fantastic, fascinating example of interactive visual storytelling” (Telegraph 5/5) and earning widespread critical acclaim since release. The game pulls together 80s retro nostalgia, innovative and experimental genre-defying gameplay, and tense, phycological horror to create “one of the most fascinating and unique tales you can play this year” (GameSpew 9/10). The first Episode “The House Abandon” is now available for free via a demo, to give you a glimpse of what is in store in the full game.“Stories Untold” was developed by No Code, a Glasgow based ex-AAA development team headed up by Jon McKellan (Alien: Isolation) and Omar Khan.Features:-Four unique stories, with their own settings, gameplay and mechanics.-Play mind-bending text adventures, process radio transmissions and conduct experiments on bizarre artifacts-Gorgeous retro-aesthetic brings back vivid memories, or a glimpse into what was.-Sublime synth-wave horror soundtrack, inspired by 80s horror soundtracks.-Achievements to unlock, and narrative secrets to discover-Genre-hopping: from psychological horror, to tense mystery and terrifying sci-fi; Stories Untold is truly “4 stories, 1 nightmare”. 7aa9394dea Title: Stories UntoldGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:No CodePublisher:Devolver DigitalRelease Date: 27 Feb, 2017 Stories Untold Activation Code [Torrent] stories untold free. untold stories of freemason. untold stories 2013. stories untold crash site. catfish untold stories youtube. stories untold video game. resident evil 5 untold stories steam key. stories untold original broadcast. playback untold story eng lyrics. stories untold longitude. stories untold ign review. stories untold epic games. stories untold discussion. stories untold android. stories untold. lovecraft's untold stories ps4. stories untold download free. jacksepticeye stories untold 4. stories untold 4. untold stories india. stories untold season 2. untold stories in english. stories untold 6970. stories untold authorization key. untold stories fb. stories untold 100 joules. untold stories of the er watch free. stories untold test. untold stories once upon a time. stories untold 11320. stories untold alarm clock. stories untold wait Immersive game, horror of mans own regret. As a fan of old text games, I really loved this one.. I'll first write a section that has no spoilers and evaluates the game, then I will write with spoilers.Non-spoiler section- TL;DR Stories Untold is a great atmospheric horror game and is great for many types of players. Long version- Stories Untold is absolutely wonderful. I'm a person who doesn't play horror games due to being startled easily. Call me a wimp or whatever you like but I'm easily frightened by jumpscares. I was happy to find out from a first-hand experience that the game minimalizes how often it uses jumpscares. If you're like me, I can say that the game uses most of its big jumpscares in the first episode. Otherwise, it just feels like its going to jumpscare you at any time. A good horror experience knows how to avoid using these jumpscares not only as a frightening mechanic, but by using them to introduce a legitimately scary moment. In movies, jumpscares are cheap if it's just "BAM" and thats the entire shock. Stories Untold follows the jumpscares with perfect atmospheric horror and feelings of dread. Each episode has something different to offer while still holding a good mechanic in play. It's completely worth it for the cost as well.SPOILER REVIEW SECTION- TL;DR Stories Untold has a seemingly simple story combined with creative narrative mechanics that shift the players attention in great ways while still being straightforward. Long version- Stories Untold not only has a great atmosphere and amazing mechanics, but a great story put into it as well. At first glance, the story is pretty simple. James Aition is a young man from (most likely somewhere in the UK) who is moving to America. After a goodbye party where he gets very drunk off of a gifted bottle of whiskey, his sister Jennifer asks him to drive her home. James says yes, and due to his intoxication, crashes the car into the car of a police officer, and James kills both the officer and his sister in the crash. He then tries to frame the officer by placing the bottle in his car. Pretty simple story. But Stories Untold uses it's game mechanics and format to paint the story in slowly through the first 3 episodes, misdirecting the player with the complicated plot lines that lie between episodes. Episode one gets players wondering some simple questions that have to do with the main story, like "What did this character do that was his fault?" and then redirecting to a very different scenario which makes the player's mind shift to things like "What are these orbs? What are they going to do?" and episode three poses similar unrelated questions like "What are the things in the storm?" before finally looping back to episode 4, where it cycles past the different settings of all 3 other episodes and introduces them in context with the story. This episode gets the player back to thinking about and remembering their first questions and the story, and effectively getting them to forget the other questions. Though all other events have huge gaps, the final episode fills in the gaps and wraps everything up tremendously well. And it is worth mentioning how the player shares the same emotions James does during this episode. During the callback moment to the first episode, where you are typing into a monitor like a text-based game, and you realize that this version of the game is telling the full story of James and Jennifer, you get in the car, and the game shifts as you realize that there's no option except the one James has already chosen. You can't slow down and you can't choose to drive safely because James didn't want to. The game reminds you that you were the one who killed your sister and you can't do anything about it. The game makes you feel just as hopeless as James does.All in all, it's an absolutely astounding game of great storytelling and gameplay and is worth full price. If you have the time to play it through I highly recommend it.. Where to start? This game was a journey from beginning to end. Stepping into it all I knew was that it's a collection of ambient horror stories made to simulate older text based adventure games like Zork which I honestly loved even though that game made me stumble repeatedly to get anything done. But this? Good lord.My friend had recommended this game and me being the kind of person I am with horror I was hesitant, but I took a leap. Jump scares are not my thing at all. But I love horror. I feel as though that is the true pitfall of so many horror games and movies today that has made it difficult for me to enjoy the genre.It's so easy to just plug a few jump scares in and get and startle the hell out of someone. On the other hand doing it out of sheer environment given to you is a whole other story. And this game does it brilliantly.The ambience. The music. The environments. Everything was perfectly set up to make you, as the player, truly feel as if you were sitting in the seat right there at the computer going through each and every scenario. Not to mention everything was made in Unity which really blew my mind to see how well something can be made with it.And the story? I truly thought that every scenario was its own thing. It's own little universe. But when I found out hat it was all tied together it was truly a surprise to me. Finding out how it was all interconnected was also a barrage of feelings in itself. However at some point I did feel as if it was going to head down a more Lovecraftian route, but in the end I was not at all upset with how it turned out.I would recommend this game to anyone who has a love for horror but at the same time isn't a fan of jump scares and I can happily say I give this game from writing, settings, and atmosphere, a solid 10\/10. I'm Amanda Holden, and that was GOODISH!!!. This game is boring as\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665. devs went full ret.... epic exclusive on their next titles.. Really really, good story driven text adventure\/graphic interface\/interactive media\/whatever you want to call it! I fell in love with this game and cannot get enough. It really sets a mood. You will get fully immersed in the story before you realize it. Could not recommend more.. Stories Untold is one hell of a special experience. A slower paced horror anthology that string together drastically different mechanics to an exquisite finale. While the mechanics don't all work equally well, the stories that bring them together more than make up for this. Best played through in a single three hour long sitting.Definitely one to go into knowing as little as possible. I'll try to keep this spoiler free.Pros:- Excellent writing- Unique and well thought out mechanically- Keeps the experience fresh throughout- Plays on horror tropes well- Soundtrack is great- Visuals are simple but allows for most machines to run it- Sound design is solid- Doesn't overstay its welcome with a reasonable length and price- Never insults the player with its puzzles while keeping them reasonableCons:- Episode 4 lighting design could use some refinement- Optimization in episode 4 could use some work- Some boxes for mouse interaction are a touch too small- Episode 2 final puzzle leaves a little to be desired mechanically- Episode 3 geometry is rather messy and needs polish- A couple tips in the game can confuse the player rather than informIt's really hard to get into any of the cons without spoiling the story events or the solution. Most of them come down to issues with polish. The core of this game is incredibly strong. The writing throughout this experience is something so rarely found in modern gaming. Emotionally driven, well thought out and powerful. The pacing in this game can lead to some debate. The text based sections may frustrate some as you can't skip forward but it is very much a relic of an era before. I remember playing text based adventures with far slower text scrolling so for myself, this wasn't a problem. The stories offer a slow burn with excellent climaxes in each leading to intense final acts that enjoy playing with your expectations. This is a slower experience that some may be willing to take in but the payoff is all too worth it. The game offers roughly three hours of gameplay, spread out across 4 episodes, without much reason to return. Acquiring every achievement in a single run is more than reasonable. None of the achievements ask you to do any out of the way actions with only one exception. For the meager $11 CAD this game asks for, this is more than enough. Puzzles in this game are generally rather simplistic but keep the momentum of the game going. You are rarely spending too long on any one puzzle. The game always has the answer nearby for you and feels rewarding throughout. A couple puzzles in the game unfortunately don't stick to this mantle quite as well and end up with you very slowly working your way through a mess. While completely doable and within reason, it does throw off the momentum the player has going at that point. These bumps in the pacing do drag down otherwise excellent episodes.The sound design in this game is pretty great all around. Some of the voice lines could use some work, but overall the soundscape is consistent and creates a tense and foreboding atmosphere. Space is also communicated to the player extremely well if they're using headphones. Speakers are fine for this game but far from the ideal setup. This covers most of the game in broader strokes as I don't wish to get into the particulars of any of the episodes in order to avoid spoilers. The less specific information you have going into this game, the better off your experience will be. I also advise that you avoid reaching for a guide unless you are really struggling. Overall this game is an incredibly strong title from No Code and if this title does interest you, I strongly recommend you give their new title, Observation, a look. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, Observation an Epic Store Exclusive but don't let that stop you from supporting one of the most unique and interesting indie developers currently on the market. Observation is also an excellent addition to anyone's library that I recommend. Their style of storytelling is truly special and makes them a developer to keep an eye on. I can't wait for further releases from them. 88\/100
Stories Untold Activation Code [Torrent]
Updated: Mar 19, 2020